Monday, March 31, 2008

The Countdown Begins

So…we open in two weeks. That seems just a little terrifying at this point, but manageable somehow!!! It will never cease to amaze me how different the process of putting up a Theatre 359 show is from main stage. But as much as it is drawn out and the process feels like it takes forever, it seems to bring us together for one common purpose… let's just be better!!! Act better, don’t be so shit-tastic . This show has so many elements that just keep getting added in… the musicians came this weekend… they were AWESOME and it was way less painful than I thought it would be to place them in, they just kind of fit with us (YEAH Aaron and Angus!!!). The run was really good compared to last week's… Paul actually smiled and people laughed, instead of just the big “Oh crap, we’re screwed!” – NO COME, IT’S GOING TO BE GOOD CAUSE WE’RE BETTER NOW!!!! So needless to say let the countdown begin….11 days until opening and 5 more rehearsals.

Bring it on...

Sammantha Isaman
Mentorship II Student

Acting in When the Sun Meets the Earth


From Across The Ocean said...

I love your enthusiasm and positive attitude. It's so tangible. YEAH, IT WILL BE GOOD CAUSE YOU ARE BETTER NOW!!!! That's the spirit, keep pressing on.

From Across The Ocean said...

I love your enthusiasm and positive attitude. It's almost tangible. YEAH, IT WILL BE GOOD CAUSE YOU ARE BETTER NOW!!!! That's the spirit.
Keep pressing on and enjoy every moment of it.